BlueCielo Meridian REFSYS 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About the custom commands > Converting an image to a hybrid drawing

Converting an image to a hybrid drawing

A hybrid document is one that is comprised of data that resides in more than one file. A common example of a hybrid document is a hybrid drawing. A hybrid drawing is comprised of a vector graphics file and one or more raster image files. Meridian Enterprise supports hybrid documents as a standard feature. For more information about working with hybrid documents in Meridian Enterprise, see the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise User's Guide.

Hybrid drawings typically start with a raster image file. An empty vector drawing file is then created in a CAD application and the raster image is inserted into the drawing. The raster data is visible in the drawing and vector graphics (for example, a title block) are usually drawn over the raster image. The saved drawing is then considered as a hybrid drawing.

The management of hybrid drawings typically involves first managing the raster image file and then replacing it with the new hybrid drawing. Meridian REFSYS supports these tasks with the Convert to Hybrid command. The command automates the preceding tasks using a session of AutoCAD in the background.

Before you begin

Converting an image to a hybrid drawing involves modifying the vault document. Meridian REFSYS only allows documents to be modified in project folders. Therefore, the image file must be assigned to a project if it is not assigned to one already. The document must also be placed under change in a workflow.

To convert an image file to a hybrid drawing:

  1. In PowerUser, select the image file that you want to convert. The document's property page appear. If the viewer pane is open, the image appears in the viewer.
  2. Right-click the document in the navigation view and select Convert to Hybrid from the shortcut menu that appears. The mouse cursor changes to an hourglass while AutoCAD is launched in the background and the hybrid drawing is created and saved. When the process finishes, the content of the document is replaced by an AutoCAD drawing that is created from a template configured for the current document type. The raster image has been inserted into the drawing automatically at the default insertion point.

Note    The hybrid drawing conversion process may take several minutes to complete depending on your computer's hardware and the size of the raster image file. Please be patient while the process completes, it is faster than creating the drawing manually.

Note    The thumbnail image for the document remains that of the original raster image. Update the thumbnail to reflect the new hybrid drawing.

  1. If necessary, open the hybrid drawing in AutoCAD to adjust the insertion point, scale, or drawing order of the raster image and save the drawing.

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